September 26, 2023, Isafjordur, Iceland

After a night of rock-n-roll, we awoke to a calm bay in the little town of Isafjordur ( “ice fjord”), in northwest Iceland. Its population is ~2,600 and serves as the administrative center for municipal region including several small villages (200 +). While the weather is gray, rainy and really windy, it is here that we will spend a couple of days waiting for this storm to pass and visit several fjords.

Following breakfast, we bundle up for the Valagil hike to a waterfall. A half-hour drive to the trail head, we head out in the elements. During our 40 minute walk, we cross streams, wet grasses, mud, mud, and mud. When the wind kicks up it is difficult for us to remain standing. It gives new meaning to “blow off my feet”. Not since Patagonia have I experienced such hurricane forces while hiking.

After lunch and a meeting introducing the NatGeo naturalists, photographers, geologists, etc., we are on our own to wander into town. Our hour adventure by foot was blasted by high winds and rain but we were able make our way to the city center for a brief visit.

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